Affordable Advanced Package for Website Design


Ideal for Growing and Diverse Businesses


Maximize your digital footprint with our affordable Advanced Package for website design, providing bespoke web solutions, cutting-edge design, and unparalleled support for high-end businesses. BizConSA Web Services is dedicated to empowering growing businesses with its affordable Advanced Package for website design, a comprehensive web solution designed for medium-sized businesses aiming to expand their digital footprint. This package offers a perfect balance between advanced features and cost-effectiveness, making it an ideal choice for businesses ready to take their online presence to the next level.


BizConSA Web Services affordable Advanced Package for website design


Key Features of the affordable Advanced Package for website design

Pricing and Payment Plans

The affordable Advanced Package for web design is priced to offer value and accessibility to growing businesses. The Premium Package is priced affordably at R4 999 or R675 over six months, with a modest deposit of R1 000. With a competitive price point and flexible payment plans, it caters to the budgetary needs of diverse businesses such as growing retail chains, emerging tech companies, or expanding professional services firms. The affordability of this package ensures that medium-sized businesses can access high-quality web services without compromising their financial goals.

Enhanced Web Hosting and Domain Name Services

Robust web hosting and a memorable domain name are fundamental to the success of any online business venture. The affordable Advanced Package for website design includes enhanced hosting services, ensuring that your website remains fast, reliable, and accessible at all times. Additionally, the package comes with a domain name that helps establish a strong online brand identity, which is crucial for businesses like specialized e-commerce sites, regional health clinics, or educational institutions looking to make an impact in the digital space.

Advanced Website Design and Functionality

At the heart of the affordable Advanced Package for web design is the development of a sophisticated, multi-page website designed to cater to the complex needs of medium-sized businesses. This package allows for a range of functionalities, from advanced e-commerce features for online stores to interactive service pages for consulting firms or comprehensive resource sections for educational portals. The focus is on creating a website that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also rich in features that enhance user engagement and business operations.

Multiple Professional Email Accounts

Effective communication is a cornerstone of business success, and the affordable Advanced Package for website development addresses this by providing multiple professional email accounts. This feature enables seamless communication within larger teams and more structured interaction with clients. Whether it’s for departmental correspondence in a corporate setting, client management in a real estate business, or customer support in an e-commerce venture, these professional email addresses streamline communications and enhance the overall professionalism of your business.


Dynamic Features for User Interaction

The affordable Advanced Package for website design from BizConSA Web Services stands out with its array of dynamic features designed to boost user interaction and engagement.

  • Advanced Picture Sliders: Enhance your website’s visual appeal with advanced picture sliders. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses like interior design firms, fashion boutiques, or travel agencies, where showcasing a portfolio or range of services dynamically can captivate visitors.
  • Video Content Integration: Incorporate video content to provide an interactive and engaging user experience. This is crucial for businesses such as fitness studios, culinary schools, or product demonstrations, where visual storytelling can significantly impact customer engagement.
  • Interactive Forms and Features: Tailored forms for appointments, registrations, or customer inquiries add functionality and convenience. They are essential for service-based businesses like medical clinics, legal practices, or event management companies, enhancing customer interaction and service efficiency.


Additional Benefits of the affordable Advanced Package for website design

The affordable Advanced Package for website design not only provides essential web services but also includes several value-added benefits to ensure a comprehensive online solution:

  • Extended Maintenance and Support: To guarantee your website’s optimal performance, we offer extended maintenance and support, ensuring that your site remains up-to-date and functions flawlessly.
  • Advanced SSL Certificate for Optimal Security: With the growing importance of online security, our advanced SSL Certificate secures your website and instills trust among your visitors. This feature is especially crucial for e-commerce platforms, financial advisors, or any business handling sensitive information.
  • In-Depth Analytics and SEO Optimization Tools: Gain insights into your website’s performance with our analytics tools. For businesses focused on growth and engagement, these tools are invaluable for optimizing your online presence and improving your SEO strategy.
  • Complete Web Solution with Additional Features: The package also includes high-quality image and video optimization, blog integration, and social media connectivity, ensuring that your website is comprehensive, professional, and engaging.

Customization and Scalability Options

BizConSA Web Services understands that medium-sized businesses often experience rapid growth and evolving needs. The affordable Advanced Package for web design is designed with this in mind, offering extensive customization and scalability options to accommodate these changes. Our goal is to ensure that your website can grow and adapt alongside your business, providing a long-term digital solution.

  • Flexible website design: The affordable Advanced Package for website design includes a flexible web design structure, allowing for easy additions or modifications to your website. As your business grows, new pages can be added, layouts can be adjusted, and functionalities can be enhanced.
  • Scalable Features: We offer scalable features like e-commerce integration, which can start with a basic setup and expand to a more complex system as your business grows. This is ideal for businesses that anticipate an increase in online sales volume.
  • Custom Functionalities: Depending on your business needs, we can integrate custom functionalities such as booking systems for service providers, user forums for community engagement, or CRM systems for customer management.
  • Advanced SEO and Analytics Tools: As your business scales, so does the need for more advanced SEO and analytics tools. We can integrate tools that provide deeper insights into website performance, helping you make data-driven decisions for continued growth.

The affordable Advanced Package for website development is designed to be a dynamic solution that evolves with your business, ensuring that your digital presence is always aligned with your current and future business goals.


Ideal Clients for the affordable Advanced Package for website design

The affordable Advanced Package for web design from BizConSA Web Services is ideally suited for a diverse range of business types and sectors, particularly those experiencing growth and expansion. This package offers the right balance of features, scalability, and customization for:

  • Rapidly Expanding Startups: For startups that are moving out of the initial phase and experiencing significant growth, the affordable Advanced Package for website development provides the necessary tools to support this expansion. Whether it’s adding new products, services, or scaling operations, the package accommodates these evolving needs.
  • Medium-Sized E-Commerce Platforms: E-commerce businesses that are seeing an increase in product range and customer base will find the affordable Advanced Package for website design particularly beneficial. It supports more extensive product listings, advanced e-commerce features, and higher traffic volumes.
  • Businesses with Diverse Service Offerings: Companies that offer a range of services, such as multi-specialty medical practices, full-service marketing agencies, or educational institutions with multiple programs, will benefit from the package’s ability to showcase a wide array of offerings in an organized and efficient manner.

The affordable Advanced Package for web design is designed to support businesses in their growth journey, providing a robust, scalable, and customizable web solution that adapts to their evolving needs.


Frequently Asked Questions About the affordable Advanced Package for website design

Features and Functionality

1. What specific features are included in the affordable Advanced Package for web design?

The affordable Advanced Package for web design offers a range of features including a multi-page website design, scalable e-commerce functionalities, advanced picture sliders, Google Maps integration, and multiple professional email accounts. It’s tailored to provide a comprehensive online presence for medium-sized businesses.

2. Can I add e-commerce capabilities to my website with the affordable Advanced Package for website design?

Yes, the affordable Advanced Package for web design allows for the integration of e-commerce functionalities. This includes basic setup for small to medium-sized e-commerce platforms, with options to expand as your business grows.

3. Is the affordable Advanced Package for website development suitable for a business that requires a booking system on their website?

Absolutely. The affordable Advanced Package for website design can be customized to include various functionalities, such as online booking systems, making it ideal for service-based businesses like clinics, salons, or consultancy firms.

Pricing and Payment

4. What is the pricing structure of the affordable Advanced Package for website design?

The affordable Advanced Package for web design is priced at R2999, with flexible payment options available. This includes a monthly payment plan to accommodate different budgetary needs of medium-sized businesses.

5. Are there any hidden costs involved with the affordable Advanced Package for website design?

No, there are no hidden costs. The pricing of the affordable Advanced Package for web design is transparent, covering all the features and services mentioned. Any additional requests outside the standard package will be discussed and priced accordingly.

Customization and Scalability

6. How customizable is the affordable Advanced Package for web design for specific business needs?

The affordable Advanced Package for website development offers high customization to align with your specific business requirements. From website design to functionality, everything can be tailored to fit your unique business needs and branding.

7. Can the website grow in scale as my business expands?

Yes, scalability is a key feature of the affordable Advanced Package for web design. As your business grows, your website can be scaled up with additional pages, features, and functionalities to accommodate your expanding business needs.

Support and Maintenance

8. What kind of support and maintenance is included with the affordable Advanced Package for website development?

The package includes six months of maintenance and support, ensuring your website operates smoothly and stays up-to-date. This includes regular updates, security checks, and technical support.


9. How long does it take to build and launch a website with the affordable Advanced Package for website design?

The timeline for building and launching a website can vary based on specific requirements, but typically, it takes several weeks to a few months to complete a website under the affordable Advanced Package for web design.

10. Can I upgrade from a smaller package to the affordable Advanced Package for web design in the future?

Certainly. If you start with a smaller package and find that your business needs have grown, you can upgrade to the affordable Advanced Package for website design to accommodate these new requirements.



The affordable Advanced Package for website development from BizConSA Web Services is an exemplary choice for businesses looking to amplify their digital presence with a comprehensive, feature-rich website. With its balance of advanced functionalities, additional benefits, and customization options, this package caters to the evolving needs of medium-sized businesses. Elevate your online presence with a professional, dynamic website tailored to your business’s unique demands.


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